Your HOA Board in Action: New Childrens Playgrounds In the Works

The community has four children’s parks.  All four parks’ equipment is old, faded, and in many cases in serious need of replacement for safety reasons.  All four parks lack proper mulch to protect the children from falls.  The Brunswick Meadows HOA Board of Directors takes this need very seriously and is in the immediate process of soliciting bids from qualified children’s playground vendors to add mulch, replace broken benches, and remove and add new playground equipment.  The funds to pay for this are coming out of a surplus from 2023 and 2024 plus the Community Reserves.

Community Reserves are specifically there for this exact type of expense.  Using funds from the community Reserve will not require any sort of Community Special Assessment.

Stay tuned as we will continue to provide updates as the vendor selection process completes.

BM Childrens Playground RFP (20231115)

Follow Up Details to RFP for Brunswick Meadows Kids Parks


UPDATE:  The Brunswick Meadows Board of Directors considered all of the responses and bids and chose All Play, Inc. as the vendor to replace all of the children’s park equipment.  Check out their website for examples of their great work.  All Play has proposed the following schedule, to be updated as needed (watch for announcements under the Events menu):

  • Equipment will arrive towards the end of March 2024 with full installation at all four parks in April 2024.  Please pardon the mess and our apologies to your children who will need to stay out of the play areas during demolition and installation.
  • All Play will remove all demoed materials to an off-site location.
  • All Play will include orange safety netting around the parks during construction.
  • There will be installation leads, plus an operations manager (Tony) and Graham (our rep) available frequently to ensure a great project.



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