Community Budget Workshop- 2023 Saturday, October 15 at Noon via Zoom
Brunswick Meadows Board of Directors will be conducting open workshop presentations of the community and the townhome annual budgets for 2023. The responsibility for budgets is one of the primary goals of your elected Board of Directors. This is YOUR CHANCE TO SEE AND COMMENT on the budgets that will affect you directly in Annual Dues (community) and Monthly Dues (townhomes).
The community budget includes costs to maintain the community grounds and utilities. There are some discretionary items that the community may be willing to add to the budget or at least plan for next year. Let’s review this in detail and discuss it. This workshop is limited to ONLY discussing the future funding for the community (2023). This meeting will be conducted via Zoom.
Brunswick Meadows is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Brunswick Meadows Community 2023 Draft Budget Workshop
Time: Oct 15, 2023, 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 829712
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